Tuesday 25 August 2015

Airwheel intelligent self-balancing electric scooter: A Desirable Means of Commuting for Art Lovers

Abstract: Traditional means of transportation like driving a car or taking buses or taxies cannot indicate who those art lovers actually are in essence. Yet the Airwheel electric scooter might turn out to be a desirable means of commuting for those art lovers.

However different art lovers might be from each other, they share at least a few points in common. That is, they are all kind of people having a strong awareness of personality and giving a great priority to individuality and freedom. And traditional means of transportation like driving a car or taking buses or taxies cannot indicate who they actually are in essence, for those art lovers who believe undoubtedly in freedom are in fact locked in a confined place sealed by windows and doors. Imagine how they could feel comfortable on a vehicle they take a dislike to. While the Airwheel electric scooter now have started to show its appearance on the world stage, it might turn out to be a desirable means of commuting for those art lovers.

As a newly produced means of commuting, although the number of its users is increasing, people riding an Airwheel Self-balancing Electric Scooter are in the minority compared with other driving a car or taking a bus. And this might be the first point that could satisfy the art lovers’ need to be outstanding and distinctive when they appear on the street. They’ve always enjoyed being differentiated.

More importantly, an Airwheel electric self-balancing scooter is a way of labeling one’s awareness of freedom. The brand, Airwheel, as a matter of fact, has two layers of meaning. Wheel in Airwheel is a symbol of way of commuting, which could take one to any places by the rolling of wheels. And air in Airwheel symbolizes freedom every rider might desire. They could not only take a real breath of air on it, but also could have a real experience of moving as freely as air in the cosmos.

Art lovers are the sort of geeks who take a fancy to unusualness and freedom and Airwheel electric scooters happen to be the way of commuting which could give them great satisfaction. It might be extremely cool to see a scooter rider with a guitar on his or her back one day.

Get more informations from www.airwheelglobal.com

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